About The Juniper Titmice

Juniper Titmice are so-called because of their general habitat preference: Pinyon- juniper trees tend to be a top choice. The Juniper Titmouse used to be a sub-classification of the plain titmouse. It is a generally smaller breed of titmice that is easily identifiable with its crested or tufted head. Its eyes are dark, and its bill is also dark and small. Juniper Titmice are usually gray in color, with paler undersides, and have long, dark tails. They are usually found in the southwestern and general western parts of the United States. Their average measured length is around 5 inches. The male and female of the specie generally have similar appearance.

The Juniper Titmice Nesting Preferences

It is common for a Juniper Titmouse to build a nest inside a hollow or crevice in a tree. A hole or crevice on a fence post is also a possible nesting place. The nests are usually built with grass, several feathers, and fur. Other possible materials are moss, pieces of tree bark, and weeds. The mother usually gives birth to between 3 and 7 eggs at a time. The eggs can either be plain white or with little reddish brown flecks. The mother then incubates them for about 14 to 16 days, and it may take about two weeks or more before the offspring leave their nest. Moreover, thick cover from the trees in their territory is necessary to protect them from predators.

Building a Birdhouse For The Juniper Titmice

For birds of this size, one is advised to build a birdhouse measuring about 4 inches in width x 4 inches in length x 8-10 inches in height. The opening should be about 1 ¼ inches in diameter, and located 6-8 inches above the birdhouse floor. The birdhouse should be elevated between 6 to 15 feet from the ground.

The Juniper Titmice Mating Habits

Juniper Titmice are quite the monogamous type, as they tend to make their relationship permanent. These birds, together with their partners, tend to defend their territory all year round.

The Juniper Titmice Feeding Preferences

Juniper Titmice like to eat insects they pick up from tree barks and between leaves. They may also scavenge for food from the ground if ground covering is thin. They also prefer to feed on seeds and berries, and can hang up-side-down from a branch to collect these. When feeding on seeds, these birds strike a seed on the bark of a tree to crack it open. A Juniper Titmouse will have no trouble with being fed sunflower seeds, suet, or bread.

Interesting Juniper Titmice Facts

Juniper Titmice are usually found in abundance around the edge of forests, as they are predisposed to temperate, arid, and open areas in the woods. They are known to stay in a certain territory without migrating. During incubation, the female Juniper Titmice usually sits firmly on the nest. If bothered during incubation, she tends to give off a hissing sound similar to that of a snake. This type is grouped as Order Passeriformes, Family Paridae, with the scientific name of Baeolophus ridgwayi.