The House Sparrow Nesting Preferences

The House Sparrow is one of the most adaptable birds in existence. They have come a long way from their native habitat and yet they have managed to become the most populous bird in many of their adopted habitats as well. One reason for this adaptability is the House Sparrow’s preference – or even the lack of it – when it comes to nesting.

The nesting site of House Sparrows can be quite varied. As they love to reside in areas where humans have made their mark, you can expect to see nests in the most surprising places. In the city and other urban areas, you just may see nests of House Sparrows under the eaves, in cracks and holes in the walls, in ivy plants and other creepers on house and building walls, and most any other crevice. In less human populated areas, you can expect to see House Sparrow nests on cliffs, banks, as well as bushes. Of course, trees are a common nesting site as well.

The appearance of a House Sparrow nest depends on its location. House Sparrow nests that are found in areas which are highly populated by humans tend to be less organized. They are usually made of straw and other debris, even rubbish. These nests are abundantly lined with feathers. House Sparrow nests that are found in trees and shrubs are normally better constructed. These nests are usually shaped like a dome and are made of twigs and other plant material.

House Sparrows, similar to other bird species, also have no qualms about using other birds’ nests. In fact, they are known to be a bit more aggressive regarding this matter. This behavior has been particularly marked in the North American House Sparrows. They have been observed to evict other birds from their nests just so they can use it. There are other cases wherein House Sparrows even build new nests on top of existing ones, with live baby birds in them! The house martin is especially vulnerable to this sort of attack.

When it comes to their eggs, House Sparrows are quite as varied as their nesting locations. Female House Sparrows normally lay about 5 to 6 eggs at a time. The eggs can be dusty, speckled with black, brown, or ash-gray with a bluish or creamy white background. Even the size and shape of House Sparrow eggs can vary quite a lot. It takes about 10 to 12 days for the female House Sparrow to incubate its eggs.

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